What's going on at Upper Wincobank Chapel

Sunday Service 11am - 12 noon - a  simple CHRISTIAN SERVICE of Bible readings, hymns, discussion and prayer  in the chapel and on Zoom - text to 07980 143776 for the link 

Mondays 20 Sept - 18 Oct   5 - 6.30pm -  Active Stars  - Junior Youth Club  for 8 - 11year olds  £2 per session.  Numbers are limited - text to book 07980 143776 

Tuesdays 9.45 - 10.45 pm - Fit & Fun - Chair-based exercise class for the over 50s followed by a cup of coffee or tea. £2.50

Wednesdays: 10 am - 12 noon  TODDLER GROUP (with parent or carer). Play, Craft, Story & Song.  Outdoors where possible.  £1.50 and 50p for each extra child.  (Regular members - please check with Gill that this session is running)

Thursdays 11 - 12 noon  Mindful Exercise  Gentle exercise and relaxation followed by coffee or tea  £2

Saturday 16 November 2 - 4pm  Active Stars - Games, Art & Craft for 7 - 12 year olds ( KS2)  £2 contribution if possible

Saturday 18th December 2 - 4pm Active Stars - Games, Art & Craft for 7 - 12 year olds ( KS2)  £2 contribution if possible

Heritage Tours of the Chapel and nearby Iron Age hill fort by arrangement.  

Please  phone 07980 143776 further details